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A man who believes God has created a person, a girl, for him in this world. And, he is created for her, so he is anxious to meet her. He has completed his all goals and works in his life. Now, he just wants her love, care, respect and wants to live his rest of life with her. He wants to make his life precious. He is sure that a girl, who is created for him, is also anxious to meet him, and her every body part is yearning as his. She is wandering and finding him as he is wandering for her in the streets. He is sure when they both come in front of each other, their every body part will be fallen in love, and they will be known. The man usually prays from God, "Oh! My Lord, you have given me everything which I wanted from my life. My God! Now give me last relaxant, love, in my life.  My every body part is waiting for her to complete their last wish. Oh God! I want someone who participates in my happiness. Who holds my hand and walks with me. So, please! Make her to meet me soon."

The words' power is so. You can't Imagine. If a person only thinks and imagines, his thinking and imagination is nothing without words. Even, Allah created this world just saying one word 'Kun' means 'be'.  Words make a nation! Words make relationship strong and weak. Words rise sprite of a person! Words rise a thing from earth into sky. SO, let's make beautiful to this world,your life, your relationship and every thing with words.






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